My experience with MicroTMS / PEMF therapy

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a type of brain stimulation therapy. It’s a non-invasive treatment. It uses electromagnetic pulses to stimulate certain brainwaves. Compared to TMS, MicroTMS of PEMF uses a less strong magnetic field. I believe the magnetic field used inregular TMS machines has a strength of 1 or 2 Tesla. The strength of the magnetic field with MicrosTMS is around 2 or 3 mT.

I decided to try this new therapy at home. A therapy session takes about 30 minutes. I have to put a cap on my head and relax. The cap sends magnetic pulses to the head. I do not feel the pulses, I do feel something floating in my brain. It is difficult to describe.

It costs me EUR 100 a week to use the device plus an extra EUR 500 for the cap. I am using a device called Epione provided by a dutch company called Magnolia Therapeutics. The Epione device is designed by a Dutch doctor called Ruud Kortekaas. A former researcher at the University Medical Center Groningen.

There is a consumer PEMF device available called Neorhythm. This device produces magnetic stimulation, however at a much lower strength than the device I am using. Whether this I better or worse I don’t know. I did try the Neorhythm once (a friend had this device) but it did not provide the same relaxation I experience with the device I am using.

So all in all the device does seem to relax me and I am glad I tried it. Unfortunately, I do not experience much pain relief yet, but since it is so relaxing I am hoping that prolonged use will eventually also give me pain relief.

2 thoughts on “My experience with MicroTMS / PEMF therapy

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      I happened to stumble upon this post.

      I’m using the same device, also provided by dr. Ruud Kortekaas. I am about 9 sessions through, 30 minutes each (also for chronic pain). I’ve seen some better days, hoping they become more frequent. I do seem to be having some anger fits and headaches. I’ve dealt with this before, just not as intense, so i can’t surely tell if it’s provoced by PEMF or not. I am happy with the progress so far, although little.

      Did you proceed using the device? If so, did it alleviate your pain?

      I’d be happy to hear from you.

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        Hi Justin,

        Yes, currently I am using a device called MagnetoPro (also provided by Dr. Ruud Kortekaas). The MagnetoPro is very similar to the Epione but produces different waveforms. The MagnetoPro device produces square waveforms and the Epione device Sinus waveforms. If this is better or worse is unclear to me.

        The reason I switched is cost. Dr. Kortekaas sells the MagnetoPro device but not the Epione device. I wanted to try many different frequencies to find the optimal frequency for me. It takes about 2 weeks before really noticing changes, so at 100 EUR a week for the Epione device checking many frequencies can become very expensive.

        I still do not experience much pain relief which I can attribute to the PEMF device. I do dream a lot more since using the PEMF devices.

        I also follow Dan Buglio on Facebook and Twitter ( a TMS coach). If you have never heard of TMS or Dan Buglio I do advise you to check him out. He helped me. I am not pain-free but dealing much better with the pain. And on some days, I can completely be indifferent to my pain.

        Kind regards,

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