My experience with Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach that tries to releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve well-being. A craniosacral therapist lives very near me so I decided to try it out. A session started with me talking to the therapist about what happened last week and how I felt about it. Then I would lay on a bed while she gently touched several parts of my body. A complete session took about 70 minutes and was very pleasant.

It cost me about EUR 80 per session. I think I did about 25 sessions in total. So in total, it cost me about EUR 2.000

And did it work? Well it did not lower my anxiety, pain or OCD. However, it did provide relaxation and a better understanding of the body and anxiety. So i did help me to better cope with my anxiety.

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