My experience with the Alpha stim AID device

What is it: The Alpha-Stim AID is a small device that uses Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) therapy to reduce anxiety symptoms. It sends little electrical signals through the earlobe.

My experience: You need to use ear clips and lay down for about half an hour. At first, I felt the electric shocks given by the ear clips but after about 4 sessions I did no longer feel them. The experience was neither pleasant nor unpleasant.

Costs: EUR 800 for the machine. I resold the machine for EUR 325. In total it costs me about EUR 475.

Did it work: No, although after the first session I did feel very positive. However, this happened only after the first session.

Would I recommend it: Maybe, it did not work for me but I personally do believe in the science behind this therapy.

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